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Professional Packing Pros

When you are moving, it can be tempting to pack everything yourself. People often do this out of reflex from past experiences – expensive family heirlooms or valuable belongings were destroyed. Some people just want privacy and prefer to pack everything on their own. But you can find a good balance and still save a lot of time and money if at least you get the majority of your belongings packed by a professional moving company.

Good Packing Materials

One of the best reasons to go with a professional packing team is that they will inevitably have very good packing materials. Frequently, older appliances no longer come with their own boxes. But a good moving company will have a large selection of boxes and containers of different sizes, not to mention all of the soft packing material that they use to insulate your belongings against shock and breakage.

Saving You Time

Most people do not have hundreds of cardboard boxes lying around! Your previous moving experiences may have been filled with weeks or even months of box-hunting, negotiating with grocery store owners, supermarket managers and delivery people. It takes a lot of time and can be frustrating as well when some people cannot give you their boxes! A professional moving company will be able to supply all the packing materials you would ever need.

Pack Some, Leave Most

For your most intimate and personal items, take some time to pack a few of your own boxes and move them to the new location in your own vehicle. For 80% of your belongings though, you may as well apply the Pareto Principle! Just leave them in your old place and have the moving company pack and move them for you. They’ve probably seen all of your books, furniture and knick-knacks in different colors and sizes in many other people’s homes before.

Stacking and Securing

Not only will professional movers be able to give you a huge selection of packing materials, they will also know how to expertly stack them and secure them onto your moving truck. Heavy boxes need to go on the bottom and they need to be stacked and secured in a way that they will support each other’s weight and not  move around in the truck when you are on the road.

All the Heavy Lifting and Engineering

While packing fifty boxes alone is one thing, moving them will be an entirely different experience. If you are alone or do not have any strong-arm help available in your immediate circle of friends, then you will probably need the services of a moving company. The work could be very difficult depending on where you are moving from and the new location. If there are stairs involved, this can make the job that much more difficult.

Some locations might even require a bit of clever forethought and a few tricks. Professional movers bring a lot of equipment with them when they work and they will know in advance anyway what type of items they will be moving. If doors and stairways are too small for large items, then they will be able to use pulleys and other devices to bring your belongings upstairs through windows and balconies.


(352) 283-8627